The last push! We did it! This last round has been erm eventful. My body seems to be complaining more and more each time, I can’t say I blame it!
A couple of weeks ago I had an over night temperature so went into casualty on advice from the oncology helpline. Chest Xray, blood cultures, urine test, swabs etc could not find where the infection was but did find me still low in magnesium and potassium. So, after several hours, IV and oral antibiotics and a few weak cups of tea, I was given a magnesium infusion and sent home.
The casualty experience was not good. It was busy, full of people on beds in corridors. I wasn’t seen for quite a while even though I have an emergency card suggesting I get IV antibiotics within an hour of arriving in case I had neutropenic sepsis (I didn’t have that luckily). After being careful not to mix in public for so many months, I was convinced Id leave that place with more than I went in with. And I did!
After a few days of antibiotics, I realised my tummy wasn’t having any of it so ended up having to stop those. I then got a call from the oncology unit saying I needed to go for potassium infusion the following day. I was getting used to a few trips to the hospital each week by then!
Since my diagnosis in May I’ve been chatting online to someone I ‘met’ on the breast cancer support Facebook page. We chat every single day as we have the same diagnosis and are on the same treatment, just 5 days apart. We decided some time ago to have a meet up at a halfway point so we met in Chester for lunch and a potter. It was so lovely as we felt we already knew each other well. We got on great and covered all topics of conversation. Cancer is a shit journey but sometimes you can find positives to come out of it, and Tracey is one of them. I’m certain we will be friends for life.
After some mix ups with getting an appointment with the surgeon, I eventually got my MRI results which were great! I have had a complete response to the chemotherapy, so the tumour is not visible on the scan at all. It is the best result I could hope for. Well done, little body!! Surgery and radiotherapy are still needed, but it will be a lumpectomy. I now have my date for surgery and awaiting a date for the mag seed to put in.
My final chemo was due Tuesday 8th October, but I ended up picking up Covid! No doubt it was from my casualty visit. So, chemo and surgery both delayed. I was so gutted about this and had been counting down the days when I could have my PICC line removed. But I was not feeling well enough to be pumped with chemicals, I had a cough and headache and just generally feeling unwell. I was unsure what was Covid and what was generally post chemo hangover!
The good news is (besides the scan), my potassium is picking up and my magnesium should follow now my tummy is more settled. Until it gets upset again! One last time! Having chemo feels like a two-week food poisoning with a side order of flu. I absolutely cannot wait to not feel like that anymore.
We had a lovely weekend in the Lakes before my chemo and walked around Buttermere, beautiful. I was longing for a swim but that will have to wait! It just fills me up, walking in beautiful places, I don’t think I ever took it for granted but I breathe in every moment now.
I eventually had my final chemotherapy last Monday. I have crossed many finish lines before but feel like I’ve never quite limped across one feeling this battered! But the end is in sight, just get through this round of recovery then hopefully a little holiday in Wales before my surgery. My Picc line is now out so Ill be able to have a little dip in the sea perhaps! 😊
It feels a long time since my diagnosis in May, we went to Alnwick and sat on the beach with pizza and wine. We swam in the sea, laughed, cried, talked and tried to prepare ourselves for the journey to come. But here we are, still standing, and ticking off this first part. I feel quite tearful at the moment knowing this episode is done and that it has been working. It is a huge relief. The link to that first post is here. https://www.runninggirl.co.uk/how-can-it-be-cancer/
As always, thank you so much to the people in my life who are helping me through this. I will never forget. The oncology team have also been amazing. Anyone having to go through this, you are in good hands.

Well written Sadie. Onwards to the next step. It’s a very honest account of all your treatments and feelings. I’m sure your words will help others in the same position. Some good news for the up coming surgery as well.
The relief you will feel when you get that dip will be head freezingly fresh as temp is dropping. Enjoy.
Take care x
Thank you Alison, yes I cant wait to be back in the water xx
Well done Sadie you have been so brave getting through all your treatment. So worth it that it has worked. Good luck with the next stage. Enjoy your holiday you so deserve it ❤️❤️
Thanks for your lovely words Jean xx
You have overcome every hurdle this ruddy chemo has thrown at you. The part we feared most is now over…
Like you I have a supportive partner and family but having you to “walk” with through the last 18 weeks has been invaluable.
There is still a lot to face… but we will do it..
See you in the new year xxxx
Thanks Tracey, yes it has been so much better going through it together. Next year is for us 🙂 xx